Codian MCU - System defined users
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System defined users

The MCU is pre-configured with two user accounts ("admin" and "guest"), but you can also add other users (see Adding and updating users). Refer to the table below for descriptions of the pre-configured users.


User ID Description Usage tips

The MCU must have at least one configured user with administrator privileges. By default, the User ID is "admin" and no password is required.

If you configure the MCU with advanced account security mode, a password is required. For more information about advanced account security mode, refer to Configuring security settings.

After logging into the MCU for the first time (see Logging into the web interface), you can change the User ID and password for this account. The privilege level is fixed at administrator for the admin user - who can see all the pages and change settings.


The MCU must have at least one configured user with access privileges below administrator. The fixed User ID for this user is "guest" and by default no password is required.

If you configure the MCU with advanced account security mode, the guest account requires a password that adheres to secure password criteria. For more information about advanced account security mode, refer to Configuring security settings.

You cannot change the name of the "guest" User ID. You can add a password.

You can modify the system defined user accounts if you need to. For example, for security, you should add a password to the admin account.

Note that you can also create new accounts with administrator or lower access privileges in addition to these pre-defined users (see Adding and updating users).

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