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Privilege levels
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Every configured user in the MCU has an associated privilege level. There are seven defined privilege levels which determine the amount of control the user has over the MCU and its settings. Refer to the table below for details.
Privilege level | Access |
administrator |
The main difference between an administrator and users with lower privilege levels is that administrators can change settings that affect all conferences and the configuration of the MCU itself, whereas other users only have access to individual conferences and to their own profiles. Users with administrator access can:
conference creation and full control |
Users with this privilege level can:
conference creation and limited control |
Users with this privilege level can:
See Conference ownership for additional information on which actions are permitted (and forbidden) by . |
conference creation |
Users with this privilege level can:
conference detail |
Users with this privilege level can:
conference list plus streaming |
Users with this privilege level can:
conference list only |
Users with this privilege level can:
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