Codian MCU - Displaying the gatekeeper registration list
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Displaying the built-in gatekeeper registration list

The MCU contains a built-in gatekeeper with which devices can register multiple IDs. IDs can be numbers, H.323 IDs (e.g. Fredsendpoint) or prefixes.

Up to 25 devices can be registered without a feature key. Feature keys can be purchased to increase this number.

Note: The MCU can register with its own built-in gatekeeper. The MCU then counts as one registered device. See Configuring H.323 gatekeeper settings.

Configuring the built-in gatekeeper

To start the gatekeeper:

  1. Go to Network > Services and select H.323 gatekeeper to open a port for the gatekeeper. (On the MCU, ports are not open by default for security reasons.)
  2. Go to Gatekeeper, select Enabled in the Status field and click Apply changes. If you attempt to enable the built-in gatekeeper without opening the port, an error message is displayed.

Configuring neighboring gatekeepers

You can optionally configure the built-in gatekeeper with up to two neighboring gatekeepers. This means that if the built-in gatekeeper receives a request (known as an Admission Request or ARQ) to resolve an ID to an IP address and that ID is not currently registered with it then it will forward that request to its neighbor gatekeeper(s), as a Location Request (LRQ). The built-in gatekeeper will then use the information received from the neighbor(s) to reply to the original request.

You can also configure the behavior of the built-in gatekeeper on receipt of LRQs from another gatekeeper. It can:

Refer to this table for assistance when configuring the built-in gatekeeper:

Field Field description Usage tips

Enables or disables the built-in gatekeeper.

To use the built-in gatekeeper, you must enable it here.

Neighbor gatekeeper 1 and 2

Enter the IP address(es), or hostname(s) (or <host>:<port number> to specify a port other than the default of 1719 on the neighboring gatekeeper), of the neighboring gatekeeper(s).

These are the gatekeepers to which the built-in gatekeeper will send an LRQ if it has received an ARQ to resolve an ID which it does not currently have registered. The built-in gatekeeper will then use the information received from the neighbor(s) to reply to the original request.

Accept LRQs

Configures the built-in gatekeeper to reply to LRQs from other gatekeepers.

These requests can come from any gatekeeper which has the MCU's built-in gatekeeper configured as one of its neighbors.

Forward LRQs for unknown IDs

Configures the built-in gatekeeper to send (or not to send) LRQs regarding unknown IDs to its neighbor(s). Choose from the options:

  • Disabled: The MCU will only respond to LRQs about IDs registered with itself. It will not forward LRQs about IDs that are not registered with itself to neighboring gatekeepers.
  • Enabled, using local return address: The MCU will put, in the LRQ, its own address as the return address for the LCF.
  • Enabled, using received return address: The MCU will put, in the LRQ, the address of the gatekeeper that originated the request as the return address for the LCF. Use this option only if you are configuring the MCU to operate in an environment with a multiple-level gatekeeper hierarchy. For example, the 'received address' is required by the national gatekeepers connected to the Global Dialing Scheme (GDS).

Unless you have selected to Accept LRQs, you cannot configure the MCU to forward any LRQs.

Enabling using received return address can be a significant security risk. Only use this setting with proper cause.

Accept LCFs from non-neighbors

This setting enables the built-in gatekeeper to accept LCF message responses from any IP address.

This setting is for use in environments with a multiple-level gatekeeper hierarchy. For example, this feature is required by the national gatekeepers connected to the Global Dialing Scheme (GDS).

Enabling this setting can be a significant security risk. Only use this setting with proper cause.


Gatekeeper status

The number of registered devices is shown in the format X / Y where Y is the number of registered devices that your built-in gatekeeper is licensed for. Equally, the total number of registered IDs is shown as Z / 1000, where 1000 is the maximum number of registrations allowed over all registered devices.

Below these summary figures is a table showing individual registrations. Registrations can be viewed by registered ID (the "ID view") or by device (the "Registration view"), giving complete and easily searchable lists. Switch between the views by clicking on the appropriate button.

The Registration view shows the summary per device (also known as the registrant), while the ID view shows individual registrations. This means that registrations from the same device are not necessarily listed together in the ID view but the view can be sorted by Registrant or Index to help you identify IDs belonging to the same registrant.

ID view

Field Field description Usage tips

The ID which the registrant has registered with the gatekeeper.

IDs can be numbers, H.323 IDs or prefixes.


The type of registration.

One of: E.164 (digits), H.323 ID or Prefix .


This registrations index within the total number of registrations that this registrant has made with the gatekeeper.

In the format X / Y where Y is the number of registrations that this registrant has made with the built-in gatekeeper, and X is this particular registration's position within the total. Therefore, if a device registered 3 IDs with the gatekeeper and this was the second registration to be made, the Index would be 2 / 3.


The IP address of the device from which this registration was made.

If the remote device has indicated via the RAI (Resource Availability Indication) mechanism that it is close to its resource limit, the Registrant will be labeled as "almost out of resources".

Registration view

This view shows a one-line summary for each device registered with the built-in gatekeeper.

To deregister one or more devices (and all registrations for these devices), select the check boxes for the appropriate entries and then click Deregister selected.

Field Field description Usage tips

The IP address of the device.

If the remote device has indicated via the RAI (Resource Availability Indication) mechanism that it is close to its resource limit, the Registrant will be labeled as "almost out of resources".

H.323 ID

The registered H.323 ID of the device.

To help identify registering devices, if the registrant has registered a H.323 ID (which will typically be its device name) that H.323 ID is shown here. If the device has registered multiple H.323 IDs, only the first is displayed.

Registered IDs

The number of registrations that this device has made with the built-in gatekeeper.

Click (view) to display individual registrations for the selected device. (The format is the same as the ID view, but the table only includes entries for one device.)

Registration time

The time today or date and time of the last registration.


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